THEME #03Winners2019AUG
No matter how static things may be, once put under the sun's rays, they are never in the same state twice, dynamically changing with the light from moment to moment.
In other words, if we on Earth take a slightly more romantic interpretation, it could be said we inhabit a stage in which the "spotlight" of the sun is constantly illuminating and changing the everyday.
In the everyday, where the present is always moving into the past, the moment the sun's spotlight hits something, regardless of its triviality, and the moment you release the shutter and the instant resonates with you, you palpably feel the here and now, and the viewer of said photograph perhaps feels the present more deeply, too.
I turned to everyday snapshots to select these instances.
Harumi Obama
Lives in Tokyo. Her photographs mainly capture the relationships between nature, sites and space. She also writes and produces film.
Jury selection
The taut skin of two ripe tomatoes gleaming in sunlight; each casts a shadow behind its form, becoming a sundial of sorts. The image stands in for those brief moments of accidental perfection that can only be revisited in our memory or in a photograph.